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I Love u so much ♥♥ 2012

When I tell u I LOVE U, I dont say it out of habit or to make conversation.

I say it to remind you that u are the BEST thing ever happened to ME..♥♥ There are uncountable ways in which I can tell u that I Love You ... but sadly, there is no way in which I could express how much I love You !!
Today is another day without u,
just another day of my existence ...
Ever since u were gone, I have wanted u back...
In every prayer and every wish of mine, I have asked God for U !!

At times I have cried, at times I have smiled,

yet without U I feel every thing incomplete ...

Forgive me for the times I have smiled without U,

Forgive me for the times I have cried for U..

Forgive me for Wanting u so badly, for loving u more and more than no one can ever do ...

U might not even know, that there is someone who loves u more ..

U might not even know, that there is someone who can even die for U !!

U are mine and shall always remain mine,

God and eternity will be the witness for my Love..

Today, Even if U are not with me...

I know U will come back to me someday...

And till that day, I will wait

for u to say I Love You and I know that ..

Love will find a way .. Days may pass and change into years, but I will always love u , remember u with

Silent Tears ... I Love U .. I Love u so much ♥♥

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